Juicing: Worth A Try Or More Trouble Than It's Worth?

Lifestyle, DIY & Tips
Juicing has been somewhat of a fad in recent years. You’ve probably heard of it from many popular magazines claiming that celebrities do this diet. Juicing can be tricky. If you do it right, it can be a great way to up your fruit and veg intake, and lose/maintain weight....

Get Back To Basics: How To Cook From Scratch

DIY & Tips
Cooking from scratch often feels like one of the only battles left to be won in the eternal quest to finally be an adult. You’re living on your own, you have a job, you have a husband, you have kids - so why is it so difficult to throw together...

Getting Your Home Cozy In The Cold

Home & garden, DIY & Tips
When the weather gets chilly, we do what we can to avoid cranking up the thermostat unless it is absolutely necessary. Chunky sweaters, knitted blankets and extra comforters are all on the menu for you when you get too chilly and don’t want to switch the heat on, but what...

The Landscape Designer

Home & garden, DIY & Tips
Image credit There are a collection of men and women who we used to call gardeners that will now seeth at the word.  They are not a gardener, they are the landscape designers.   (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Gone are the days where it was simply our neighbours who...

Encourage Active Adventuring In Your Kids

Parenting, DIY & Tips
It's pretty common knowledge that the modern world has changed drastically from when we were children ourselves, to how our children experience the world now. Kids seem to grow up so fast - you would be amazed at the amount of children under six years old who are already technologically...

The Backyard That Keeps On Giving

DIY & Tips
Image Credit (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Do you think of your backyard as an extension of your home, or is it just that piece of land behind your house that you occasionally step outside into begrudgingly? Do you have elaborate dreams of turning the dry grass and overgrown shrubbery...

Millennial Generation Faces Unprecedented Challenges in Affording Child Care

Parenting, Lifestyle
*press release* Millennial Generation Faces Unprecedented Challenges in Affording Child Care New Report Highlights a Generation Burdened with Debt, High Unemployment, and Difficult Choices Arlington, VA, March 21, 2017 – The clash between the American dream and the American reality has gotten dramatically worse for millennials seeking to have a...

Amateur Chefs' Kitchen Needs

DIY & Tips
If you are a wannabe chef, then you are no doubt keen on your kitchen being as professionally laid out as possible. This is an important part of being able to cook great meals. As long as you know where everything is, you can find your way around the kitchen...

Food First: A Mom's Guide To Getting Through The Morning

Lifestyle, Parenting, DIY & Tips
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Image source Weekday mornings are a battle for almost every parent. From dragging your children kicking and screaming out of bed (when they somehow wake up happily at 6 AM at the weekends before coming in to bounce on your bed as you attempt to...

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New customers save $20 when you add select bath tissue & paper items to your cart at Peapod.com! Take an extra $20 off & get free delivery for up to 60 days with code AFF20FD.Momma Cuisine is an affiliate partner of Peapod.

When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Get Cooking

DIY & Tips, Lifestyle
Finding your way around your kitchen can be hard. Some people are naturally gifted, while the rest of us have to work at it. But, even those gifted people can struggle to keep a kitchen for their whole family. Why? Because cooking for a family is tough! If you work...

Grocery Bill Through The Roof? Cut Cost With These Simple Tips

DIY & Tips
Credit to Pexels (direct link)(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});When you’re planning out your money for the month, it won’t have escaped your attention that your grocery bill takes up a good chunk of it. Of course we need to eat to live, but doing so can be incredibly expensive. Even...

Modern Momma Guide To Child Nutrition

Parenting, DIY & Tips, Lifestyle
Image credit (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Having children is a gorgeous thing.  From the moment we discover we are pregnant right through to the late teens, our children will give us great insight to who we are, teach us to be calm and overcome huge hurdles.  We feel our...

3 Kitchen Must-Haves For Your New Home

Home & garden, DIY & Tips, Lifestyle
  Image Source Moving into a brand-new house is exciting, whether you’ve had one built to your specifications or you’ve bought one ready-made to move into. You have a blank canvas to move into that you can splash your personality all over, and if there’s one room most people are...

Make The Best Start To The Day. What Are The Ideal Breakfast Options?

DIY & Tips, Lifestyle
There are a lot of conflicting opinions on what the best diet is to help you stay healthy. Some people will tell you that you need a high protein diet, others will tell you to cut out all carbs, others will insist that you eat everything fresh. But if there's...

Overcoming Challenges of a Breakup When You Have Kids

Breaking up is an extremely hard thing to go through - and it’s made even harder if are living with your former partner and have kids. As well as the emotional strain, you have to go through practical issues like where each of you will live, how you will divide...

Is It A Bird? Is It A Plane? No, It's Superfoods!

DIY & Tips, Lifestyle
So, you’re on a health kick and you couldn’t feel any better. Hurrah! It was a long, hard slog, and there were tears, but you got there in the end and you’re a better person. But what’s that? Do you want to go even farther? Do you want to eat...

Tips For Organizing Every Type of Refrigerator

DIY & Tips
It doesn’t take much for the refrigerator to get chaotic and cluttered, making it hard to find what you’re looking for. With a new year upon us, resolve to keep your fridge in order with these refrigerator organization tips, so nothing gets lost or forgotten in the back of the...

What Hides Behind Food Intolerance?

DIY & Tips, Lifestyle
Have you ever heard of non-IgE mediated food hypersensitivity? Or non-allergic food hypersensitivity? These two terms refer to a difficulty to digest certain types of food. In other words, this is the definition of food intolerance, which means that if you are unfortunately one of the people touched by intolerance,...

Oops! Common Garden Mistakes

DIY & Tips
When you are attempting to create the perfect garden, it can be harder than it looks. If you are working with a small space, it can be challenging to fit everything you want into the yard. While a big garden can mean a lot of work for homeowners to deal...